It's been fun following your adventures here on Substack. Congrats on one year of writing here!

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Thank you Daniel! Very grateful to hear this. Cheers! 😊

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"Traveling and adventure can alleviate a lot of our fears and unrest..." I agree with this but the problem is getting past the fear to start traveling. I've been traveling full time for 12 years and this is the first time I have not felt anxious being away from my home country. I love traveling and want to have these challenges, but it can be so hard.

In theory it is great to say that traveling will make you a better person but I reality so many people don't want to leave the comfort of their home and if they do they want to bring that comfort and insulation that they experience at home with them.

"Seeing our world for what it truly is versus what we think it should be is one of our greatest existential challenges." I love this quote. You are so right.

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Thank you! You are totally right. I explore that relationship between our fears and inability to venture out in my book (hopefully will be published toward the end of the year). That problem is what I’d label the paradox of traveling: how to get more people daring enough to take the initial plunge into adventure and travel given all the factors that prod us to stay put. There are a lot of influences from culture/media, the structure of society, the battle over values, and our own cognitive biases conspiring together to keep us sedentary. Thanks for engaging Duwan! Really appreciate your feedback. 😊

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