Jun 14Liked by Justin S. Bailey

Justin, I'm glad you have tried and, after careful introspection, keep on trying. You continue to improve at your craft. Your plight isn't much different from the situation faced by the helpers in our society. Very few of us make a difference for the masses. Instead, we have to be satisfied with helping to facilitate positive changes for one or a few individuals at a time. You have important things to say and you should take comfort in the thought that you are probably making a positive impact on those who read your posts. On a lighter note, I'm glad you haven't written your equivalent of War and Peace. At 16 minutes per day, it would take the average reader 142 days to read it. Semper persevera!

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Jul 9Liked by Justin S. Bailey

I think this was a well written essay. However, I don't believe in the idea of an eternal audience. I just want to connect with and entertain people today. I don't think there is a way to predict what will resonate with people in the future.

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Very well said. Here’s my less articulate version: I love to write and then when I think about how to make a living off of it, I want to crawl into a hole. Let’s keep on writing and play it as it lays.

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Hear, hear! Totally agree. Thank you Michael!

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I don't want to be depressing, so I'll just say good luck and I hope you find the success you're looking for.

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Thank you Michael!

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Jun 15Liked by Justin S. Bailey

I’m not sure how to respond to this thoughtful and personal post, but I felt I needed to. I think your writing is superb Justin.

One of the things that keeps cropping up in my Substack feed is to write shorter posts because people simply don’t read longer ones. I want to tell you that I read every word of this post and enjoyed your reverie.

Yes, getting published is difficult. Yes, writing is both a passion and a challenge. And yes, Substack has given us another way to reach an audience.

Have you thought of serialising your book here behind a paywall rather than going down the self-publishing route? I’m aware that some publishers trawl Substack for potential and your work might be ‘found’ here.

Keep on keeping on. 👍

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Thank you Yasmin! That means a lot.

I have noticed that as well and was just talking to a friend that it seems like an ideal article is one that is both sharp and somewhere in the ballpark of a 4-8 minute read.

And that’s a great idea! I’m going to seriously consider that. Thank you for engaging and your advice. 😊

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